Tuesday, May 26, 2009


ceritanya binus libur dari kamis sampe sabtu..minggu libur..senin off class..selasa emang jatah kelas gw bwt libur..lalu dimulailah hari2 penuh sukacita..eh ga sepenuhnya c..coz hari sabtu nya ada training jd kamis-jumat masih harus ngebut kerjain homework. tapi yg jelas weekend ini cukup menyenangkan lah..hoho..minggu ada lbkm..jadi malemnya ngapalin poem sama belajar zhong guoe jie dari youtube..senin ke bogor sama makmem, kung2, mami, i laty, i cece, gerry n andrew..huaa..menyenangkan!! secara dah lama ga jalan2 ma makmem n kung2..hari ni pergi nonton Night At The Museum lanjut Angels and Demons..over all cukup puas dg refreshing nya..saat nya serius lagi..besok dah training lg..biar capek harus tetep dijalanin..palagi skrg dah bljr office jadi pasti lbh gampang dibanding java..horeee...
btw, nilai uts dah kluar..hasilnya lumayan bagus..cm strukdat nih yg blom kluar..duh jadi takut... >.<

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

mau itu aja

give me 4 for my GPA!

Friday, May 15, 2009

i'm thinking of my friends while i make my java things with perut mules..

My best friend, Nda, will be back to SG on Sunday and i don't have time to play with her, Nyz, and Pril. 
This week everything seems to be distracted. 
I can't find time even to sleep more than 5 hours.. 
There are many things to do. 
4 programs based on java that I haven't made. 
well I've already made one and it still has error on it. 
3 more and they must be submitted yesterday. 
arggghhhh...I can't think anymore...
and and..my stomach still 'mules' (i don't know the right word for it.lol.)
I believe it because I ate indomie pedes OK single + bakso at Loobee
well it's spicy of course but I didn't presume that it will make me get stomachache
but but..I think I'll eat that again..it's delicious by the way..I don't care with the after effect lah..
mm..now it's time to focus..go back to my work again..
java, here I come..

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

you know, right?

You know I can't smile without you
I can't smile without you
I can't laugh and I can't sing
I'm finding it hard to do anything
You see I feel glad when you're glad
I feel sad when you're sad
If you only knew what I'm going through
I just can't smile without you

You came along just like a song
And brightened my day
Who would have believed that you were part of a dream
Now it all seems light years away

And now you know I can't smile without you
I can't smile without you
I can't laugh and I can't sing
I'm finding it hard to do anything
You see I feel sad when you're sad
I feel glad when you're glad
If you only knew what I'm going through
I just can't smile

Now some people say happiness takes so very long to find
Well, I'm finding it hard leaving your love behind me

And you see I can't smile without you
I can't smile without you
I can't laugh and I can't sing
I'm finding it hard to do anything
You see I feel glad when you're glad
I feel sad when you're sad
If you only knew what I'm going through
I just can't smile without you

Monday, May 4, 2009

calculus today

i love bu evi for she had taught me integrals very well  ÌÌÌ

Friday, May 1, 2009

sewaktu ku masih kecil

blakangan ini gw sering liat anak2 sekolah minggu gw pada naik sepeda bareng, main bareng, mandiin anjing bareng.. gw jadi inget masa2 kecil gw..jaman2 gw masih masuk itungan umur anak sekolah minggu. sering main sepeda bareng, main bola, petak umpet,(tapi ga mandiin anjing bareng..yaiks..ga bgt itu mah) dll sama temen2 skolah minggu (termasuk temen satu jemputan coz skolahnya rata2 sama smua) yang SEMUANYA lebih kecil dari gw. ya gmn lagi..ini resiko jd yg paling tua..ga da temennya..udah gt rata2 temen maen gw di kompleks tuh anak cowok, secara mereka jg temen2 ade gw .biasanya kita suka naik sepeda keliling2 kompleks ato balapan sepeda di depan rumah si vincent, main bola di lapangan dpn rumah vincent, petak umpet di dpn rumah vincent, pokoknya markas kita di rumahnya c vincent lah hahaha...smua terasa menyenangkan. lalu c vincent pindah rumah, mmg c kita kadang2 masih sering main dsitu tapi rasanya dah ga seru lagi. akhirnya kelompok bermain gw bubar. sejak saat itu gw ga pernah kluar rumah bwt main2 lagi huhu..sedih bgt tuh rasanya..main sepeda plg cm berdua ma ade gw, main bola?haiz..mau main sama siapa..
makin gede, waktu main juga makin berkurang. klo ga blajar ato les paling nonton tv.. bah..tv..hiburan yang menjerumuskan. sma juga waktu habis bwt blajar ato ngerjain tugas. kuliah? waktu habis di depan kompi dan di dunia maya...bosan rasanya..
gw pengen kaya dulu lg..bisa main bola..bisa balapan sepeda...bisa main petak umpet..
bisa tertawa dengan bebas tanpa perlu mikirin akan jadi apa nanti klo hanya bermain terus :p