Tuesday, June 9, 2009


i have no class today

these are what i did during the day
- woke up at 8
- had breakfast while watching Siapa Berani
- went online till 10
- sat at sofa and then fell asleep (sleep again) till 1
- ate lunch
- watched Backstreet and found out that d reality show's a big bulshit 
- my mom went home so i 'leha leha' @ her bedroom upstair 
- watched gossip that proclaim Manohara had a visum already
- tried to study and failed lol
- and now i'm sitting in front of my computer, chatting with my friends, still doing nothing worthy *huff*

i want final test come earlier
so i can have my holiday
go to pekalongan perhaps
andddd...go to surabaya to attend my cousin's wedding
i need holiday ASAP!!

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